
Red Cross Babysitting Course

Red Cross Babysitting CourseBasic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 11–15 years old. Participants learn how to provide care to younger children in a variety of age groups, and how to prevent and respond to emergencies. Course also offers youth the training to promote themselves as a babysitter to prospective parents.

Help your child build valuable skills for a lifetime. As a trained babysitter, your child will learn:

  • Basic skills to care for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children
  • How to care for himself/herself and siblings when home alone
  • How to create a safe environment, and deal with phone calls and unexpected visitors
  • How to react confidently in case of an emergency, such as choking, bleeding, poisoning, or burns
  • How to cope with common problems, such as tantrums and crying
  • Games and activities to keep kids of all ages entertained
  • How to manage a babysitting business, including creating a resume and a business card, and asking the right questions before accepting a babysitting job


100% attendance, skills demonstration, and 75% min. passing grade on written exam


Min. 11 years of age

Course Content

  • Business of babysitting
  • Caring for babies
  • Caring for toddlers
  • Caring for preschoolers
  • Caring for school-aged children
  • Creating safe environments
  • How to handle emergencies and first aid




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